We’ve made sustainability education a top priority (Oct 16, 2017)

Our Education website goes live, as we make a visit to the World Environmental Education Congress.

Last month, Sarah, Communications Manager for our sister company in Germany, represented the Solar for Schools group at the World Environmental Education Congress in Vancouver, Canada.

The World Environmental Education Congress celebrated its 14th birthday, with its 9th conference since 2003. The program was a mix of lectures, round tables, poster presentations, field trips, open houses, and discussion sessions. The goal of the Congress is to facilitate cooperation and exchange among those who are committed to reflecting on the link between the environment and education, considered in its formal and informal components. It also works “to promote active, informed and responsible citizenship as a condition for a more peaceful, fair and ecological human society, to guarantee an equitable access to natural resources, and a harmonious relationship among human beings, other living beings and the planet.” 1000 delegates attended the conference came from 60 different countries, and Sarah was honored to be able to be one of them. Further, she was given the opportunity to present our educational programs to the Congress at a poster presentation session.

Sarah was able to make connections with the greater environmental education network, with individuals coming from Mexico, Taiwan, Norway, Australia, Canada, United States, Brazil, Ghana, China, United Arab Emirates, Georgia, Germany, Portugal, and New Zealand. Each presentation was inspiring and illustrated the many ways sustainability can be taught and can be approached. We were one of the only groups presenting solar solutions and have a very unique platform available to schools. As we move forward with our push to develop our education programs, we are excited to include our new connections and resources into our growing database and references.

Speaking of the development of our programs, we are excited to have our new Solar for Schools Education website go live. This website is in its first version, yet, it is full with resources for students, teachers, and parents. We are also excited to debut our Energy Detectives and Solar Ambassador programs. Currently, we have worksheets and activities for students aged 3-16. We have made our program development a priority and are working closely with our Education Advisory Board on creating further activities and resources.

If you are interested in testing out our programs or you have a class that you would like to do these activities with, please contact Sarah, sarah@solarforschools.co.uk, with any questions or to give any feedback. Feedback is highly welcomed!

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